Accueil Politic Obama May Ignore Congress Vote on Iran Deal Obama May Ignore Congress Vote on Iran Deal By -admin1 août 17, 2015 0 Congress is set to vote on the Iran nuclear deal in just a few weeks but new reports indicate the vote may not matter that much. Congress is set to vote on the Iran nuclear deal in just a few weeks but new reports indicate the vote may not matter that much. Congress is set to vote on the Iran nuclear deal in just a few weeks but new reports indicate the vote may not matter that much. Congress is set to vote on the Iran nuclear deal in just a few weeks but new reports indicate the vote may not matter that much. Congress is set to vote on the Iran nuclear deal in just a few weeks but new reports indicate the vote may not matter that much. Congress is set to vote on the Iran nuclear deal in just a few weeks but new reports indicate the vote may not matter that much. Tags: EnglishPolitic Facebook Twitter Whatsapp Plus récente Plus ancienne
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